Stainless Steel Pipe-fittings

how to refill gas in refrigerator KIC ?

how to refill gas in refrigerator KIC? To refill gas in a refrigerator, it is important to note that handling refrigerant gases can be dangerous and should be done by a qualified professional. However, I can provide you with a general overview of the process. Here are the steps involved in refilling gas in a refrigerator: Safety Precautions: Ensure that you are wearing protective gloves, goggles, and working in a well-ventilated area. Locate the Access Valve: In most refrigerators, the access valve is located at the back near the compressor. It may be covered by a plastic or metal cap. Prepare the Refrigerant: Identify the appropriate refrigerant type required for your refrigerator. The commonly used refrigerants are R-134a and R-22. Ensure that you have the

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Thermoformed steel is the promoter of electric transformation of automobile

In recent years, driven by the “dual carbon” strategic goal, lightweight materials have been further developed and applied. Since the local mass production of the second-generation aluminum-silicon coated hot-formed steel Uisbor 2000 and Ductibor 1000 in 2019, the application proportion of many new models has increased year by year in just a few years. How do these two materials stand out among many lightweight materials and become the new “group pet”?Feb. 22, Hefei, China. VAMA Customer Technical Support Minister Yang Zheng shared the latest hot forming technology and lightweight application results in the industry with many automotive manufacturing experts at the AEE2023 Automotive Technology Annual Meeting, with the theme of “Introduction of the second generation of aluminum silicon coated hot forming steel products and applications”. Thanks

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How to Choose A series or B series for large-diameter flanges?

Choose A or B series for large-diameter flanges   1. A series or B series When selecting American standard flanges, if the large diameter is greater than DN600, it is necessary to consider using a large diameter flange. The selection of national standards generally follows the standard HG/T 20623-2009 . ASME is selected according to ASME B16.47-2020. It is common for designers to choose a large-diameter flange model without specifying whether the flange should be labeled as A series or B series, resulting in the purchase of the wrong flange and causing huge economic losses. Forgings are expensive, while large forgings are even more expensive. So why do large-diameter flanges need to be divided into A series or B series, and why not unify them? From the

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What is Structural Steel Fabrication?

Structural steel fabrication is the process of bending, cutting and modeling steel to create a structure. For structural steel fabrication, steel parts are often put together to create different structures of predefined sizes and shapes. It is a complex process that requires specialized knowledge, skills, and resources to complete successfully.  You can refer to Jiade Group address for quality and fast solutions throughout this process. Advantages of Structural Steel Fabrication Steel is extremely durable, resistant to corrosion and must be stretched. The strength of steel is higher than its density, which makes it an excellent choice for construction and manufacturing. Structural steel usually comes to the pre-production stage and is manufactured on site. Prefabrications, the amount of work that needs to be done on the site,

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What is the difference between duplex and super duplex?

Stainless steels are segregated into various classes, mainly due to the distinction in their microstructural phases. While each class has a distinct microstructural phase, stainless steels that belong to the duplex category have a microstructure that is similar to two other classes, i.e. – ferritic and austenitic stainless steel. Duplex stainless steels contain a mixed microstructure with austenite and ferrite. The ratio of both these crystalline structures is in an equivalent ratio, which means that duplex steels contain both austenite and ferrite in a 50% ratio. Duplex stainless steels may further be divided into three additional subcategories, one of which is a super duplex stainless steel. This is why super duplex grades also have a dual microstructure. Duplex grades have very high PREN or pitting

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What is the difference between a2 and a4 stainless steel fasteners?

Difference between a2 and a4 stainless steel fasteners Fasteners in grades A2 and A4, tend to be amongst the most popular ones across global markets. Grade A2, or as commonly known as stainless steel 304 is highly valued for its economical cost and delivering a good performance. Likewise, grade A4, or as known as grade 316 is referred to as marine grade stainless steel. Due to its resistance to seawater and brine solutions, A4 screws work well in marine engineering applications. These fasteners are also resistant to salt spray, which is common in the shipping industry. Although in terms of popularity and availability, it is grade A2 that ranks first, the corrosion resistance and the mechanical strength of A4 supersedes the former, making it a

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